Adult and Youth Southern Centre Motocross Championship Rules 2024

All regulations below are in addition to the General Competition rules of MCUI, current Motocross standing regulations and event supplementary regulations.

1. Eligibility

The Championships shall be open to MCI, M.R.A., A.C.U., S.A.C.U. and Continental F.M.N. Licence holders. To score year end cumulative championship points, riders must have a full competition licence.

2. Stewards

The Motocross Committee of Motorcycling Ireland (MCI) will nominate a Centre Steward for each round, plus the organizing club will nominate 2 stewards to bring the number of Stewards to 3. 

 3. Events

The rounds will be allocated to clubs through the M.C.I. Motocross Committee. 

 4. Format

There will be 4 rounds and each class will have 3 races at each round.

 5. Motocross Tracks

The M.C.I. Motocross Committee reserve the right to inspect and approve all venues used for the Championship. Each circuit shall have a current circuit licence and certificate approved by MCI.

 6. Qualifying

Qualifying and gate selection will be by timed practice. 

 7. Competitors

The number of competitors to qualify at each round will be according to the number of start gates.

 8. Qualifying Requirement

All competitors must qualify. 

 9. Timing

If the timing system fails, then manual timing will operate, and gate selection will be by drawing pegs. 

 10. Entries

Entry forms will be available online on Facebook at “Motocross Ireland” or at the promoting club’s social media page. Entries must be paid in full before the closing date which will be the Friday at 12 noon immediately before the event.

 11. Entry fees:

Adult: €100; Youth: €60; Auto €40.

 12. Points Scoring

The scoring system shall be as follows: 1st 25 points, 2nd 22 points, 3rd 20 points, 4th 18 points, 5th 16 points, 6th 15 points, 7th 14 points, 8th 13 points, 9th 12 points, 10th 11 points, 11th 10 points, 12th 9 points, 13th 8 points, 14th 7 points, 15th 6 points, 16th 5 points, 17th 4 points, 18th 3 points, 19th 2 points and 20th 1 point.

All classes will be scored separately on the day and at year end even though some classes might run in the same moto.

 13. Results

Full results of Championship races must be forwarded to the M.C.I. Motocross Championship Registrar within 7 days of the event finishing by the organising clubs’ secretary. 

 14. Ratification of Results

All the days’ results will be ratified at the final Steward’s meeting. 

 15. Championship

The M.C.I Motocross Committee will decide what constitutes a championship. 

 16. Tie-break

In the event of a tie for the final Championship positions this shall be resolved in favour of the most wins, then second places, etc. and finally the last race of the Championship. 

17. Start Mechanism

All races must be started by a mechanical drop back gates. In the case of starting gate failure, the race will be started by the National Flag. 

 18. False Start

After a false start, a race may only be restarted once. If it is necessary to stop a race more than once, it will be declared null and void. 

 19. Number of Races Complete

Should less than the nominated number of races be run, the M.C.I. Motocross Committee shall decide if and how the Championship shall be is awarded. 

 20. Race Stopped / Red Flag

If a race is stopped before half distance (actual time duration) there will be a complete restart. The Clerk of the Course (C.O.C.) may exclude one or more competitors, deemed to be at fault for the race being stopped, from taking part in the restart. If stopped after half distance the winner will be decided from the lap before the red flag was displayed. The order of classification shall be based upon the order of the last competitor crossing the finishing line prior to the red flag being displayed and only competitors still racing at the showing of the red flag will be classified. Any competitor determined by the C.O.C. to have been responsible for the red flag being displayed will be placed in the results behind competitors having completed an equal or greater number of laps.

 21. Incorrect Display of Chequered Flag

If a chequered flag is mistakenly displayed later than the official distance, the finishing order shall be determined by the running order at the official time/distance. Under any other circumstances, such as mistaken display of the chequered flag before the official time/distance, the finishing order shall be determined by the running order at the time the chequered flag was displayed. 

 22. Riding Numbers

Riding numbers will be as per competition licence, if there are duplicate numbers between MCI and M.R.A. the rider whose centre is holding the round will have preference with the rider from outside the organising centre prefixing their number with the number 1. 

 23. Scrutiny

All machines must be presented for eligibility and scrutiny before practice. Scrutiny is carried out as a precaution only and it is the riders/guardian’s sole responsibility for the safety and eligibility of their machine. The centre holding the round on the day reserve the right to examine and check any machine for oversized engine capacity or to have them sealed for measuring at a time to be arranged. 

 24. Right to protest

The right of protest lies solely with any entrant or rider who may consider him/herself aggrieved by any circumstance connected with any competition in which he/she is or has been taking part.  Every protest shall be made in writing, signed by the entrant, or rider, making the protest, clearly specifying the matter protested against, which shall refer to a single subject only, and be accompanied by the fee of €37.50. The protest fee will be returned if the protest is held to be justified, or upon a direction by the Stewards of the Meeting, the Southern Centre (MCI) or the MCUI.  During a meeting, protests shall be handed to the Clerk of the Course, or his/her representative, for transmission to the Stewards of the Meeting. At all other times, protests shall be addressed to the Secretary of the meeting or The Southern Centre (MCI), or the MCUI.

 25. Time Limits for Protests

For exact wording and meaning see GCRs: Item 207. Protests against items during a race must be made within 30 minutes of the finish of the race. Protests against results must be made within 3 days of official results being published.

 26. Protect Adjudication

Protests will be adjudicated by the Stewards of the meeting. There must be 3 Stewards present, the Clerk of the course is not a Steward.

 27. Appeals

Appeals on the decision of the Stewards can be made to the governing body as outlined in current MCUI GCRs.


Yellow stationary: Danger, ride cautiously.

Yellow waved: Immediate danger, prepare to stop and  No Jumping or Overtaking. Jumping or Overtaking on a waved Yellow Flag will result in DQ From that race

Red flag: Stop / compulsory for everyone.

Green flag: Under starters orders, track clear. 

White with Red Cross: First aid required.

Black flag with riders No on board: Rider must stop within  2 laps. Blue: Warning you are about to be lapped.

Yellow with black cross: Last lap.

National flag: Start.

Chequered flag: Finish.

 29. Transponders

Sharing of transponders is not allowed. It is the responsibility of the rider to ensure the transponder is securely fixed to the machine and in working order, failure of either can result in a no score being recorded by the timekeepers. The club or MCI will take no responsibility for any transponder or timing system which does not “pickup” on every lap and it is the rider’s sole responsibility to present a fully charged and fully operational transponder.

30. Medical cover.

Medical cover as per 2024 MCI guidelines

 31.Track Maintenance

It is the organising club’s responsibility to have watering, track maintenance facilities available and to ensure the circuit is safe and layout is according to the regulations in force at the time. 

Format, awards, classes and timing

1. Over 35s class: Rider must have reached their 35th birthday by race day. There are 3 separate grades in this class: A, B and C. This grade is the same as their centre grade. Veterans will race in this class also with no grades, all riders will race together and score points per class.

2. Veterans Class: Rider must have reached their 45th birthday by race day. There are no separate grades in this class, all riders will race together and score points as normal. They will be racing in the same group as the Over 35s but will be scored separately.

3. Twinshock Class: Open to adults on all racing motocross bikes with twin rear shock absorbers.

4. Evo Class: Open to all eligible adult riders with a motocross bike no newer than from the year 2000. These bikes will be monoshock (one rear shock absorber)

5. Youth Autos Class: Open to automatic 50cc bikes for youths of eligible age, no distinction made between small and big wheel bikes. Maximum wheel size 14” front and 12” rear

6. Junior 65 class: Open to 65cc bikes for youths of eligible age.

7. Small Wheel 85cc class: Open to 85cc 2 stroke and 150cc 4 stroke bikes of 17” Front wheel and 12” rear wheel for youths of an eligible age.

8. Big Wheel 85cc class: Oen to 85cc 2 stroke and 150cc 4 stroke bikes of 19” Front wheel and 16” rear wheel for youths of an eligible age.

9. Youth 125 Intermediate class: Open to 125cc 2 strokes for youths of eligible age.

10. Youth 250 Premier class: Open to 150cc 2 strokes and 250 4strokes to youths of eligible age.

11. Flag Marshals Each club will provide flag sufficient marshals.

12. To be classed as a “Finisher”, riders must complete 75% of the total laps completed by the race leader but passing the finish line is not compulsory.

13. All Youth Classes will be run separately except for the Small Wheel and Big Wheel 85cc, and the Intermediate and Premier classes which may be run together. If there are less than 15 riders in one class and less than 40 riders in total, then these classes can be run together at the promoting clubs’ discretion.

14.The above rule of less than 15 riders in one class and less than 40 in total shall also apply in the case of adult racing.


Youth classes: 8 minutes timed practice, to include a controlled sighting lap.

Adult classes: 10 minutes timed practice, to include a controlled sighting lap.

3 Blocks of Races

Auto 50cc 8mins

65cc 10 mins

85cc SW/BW 14mins

125cc / 250f Youth 16mins

Over 35 / Veteran / Evo / Twinshock 12mins

All Grade C 14mins

Grade A & B 16mins


Practice    9am to 10.50 (Or Earlier) 4 timed laps

Block 1.    11.00 to 1.00

Block 2.     1.00 to 3.00

Block 3      3.00 to 5.00

In the event of Delays the promoting club has the right to shortened last block of races if deem necessary

Race Day Awards


Autos: 1 to 6th place awards, 

65cc, Small wheel 85cc, Big wheel 85cc, 125cc 2 stroke, 150t/250f: 1st to 3rd place awards.


CMX2, CMX1, O/35 A, O/35 B, O/35 C, Veterans, BMX2, BMX1, AMX2, AMX1: 1st to 3rd place awards.


End of year awards


Autos: 1 to 6th place awards

All other classes: 1st to 3rd place 

Substantial Cash Prize for Amx1 and Amx2